Who am I?


I am beyond excited to be creating this blog so that I can share with you all that I know about fashion and beauty. From my favourite products to my not so favourite and all of the fashion trends that I'm in love with.
I definitely have a shopping problem therefore I'm continuously buying new make-up and new clothes. I love sharing my thoughts about new products so expect some reviews.

Not only do I want this place to be beauty and fashion driven, but I want it to be a positive place. I want to be able to share tips on how I stay happy and optimistic and some really good advice I've been given in the past.
I want to be able to share anything creative that comes to mind, so I can develop my writing.

So a little bit about myself...
My name is Sarah and I'm a third year university student majoring in English. My final goal is to be a teacher or a make-up artist/hair stylist...I know completely two different fields- but I like keeping my options open.
I live in good ol' Canada with hopes to some day move to the city or possibly California.
I sometimes sit in front of a camera and film youtube videos- it's a new hobby and one that's been on hold for a few months. But I'll definitely be picking that up again.
I love spending time in the comfort of my home with a cup of tea and netflix on, but I also love a good night out especially getting dressed up.

My friends would definitely call me a princess- hence the blog name.
I'm definitely a big dreamer. Sometimes my dreams are too big for my own good.

Oh and the most important thing- I fangirl a lot haha maybe too much for my age!
But I'm over it.

I hope that you enjoy reading my blog!
That's all for now!

Hugs and Butterfly Kisses

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